call 775.884.3483 for assistance or send an email to

Tahoe Dive Center Services


Tahoe Dive Center is a full service dive shop for regulator/BC service and repair, authorized to service Aqualung, Atomic Aquatics, Oceanic, Hollis, and Mares. We also provide a thorough suite of services for underwater maintenance of vessels, moorings, salvages and repairs.

Equipment Service Fees


Hydrostatic testing, visual inspecton and fill $ 70.00
Visual inspection and fill  $ 30.00
Scuba tank, SCBA fill, Paintball/Air sports volume tanks  MaxPSI 4500 $15.00 up to 3000 psi $18.00 up to 4500 psi
Nitrox fills $20 72cf, $22 100cf
*Air card: 12 fills  12 for the price of 10 $150
*Nitrox card: 12 fills 12 for the price of 10 $200 72cf,  220 100cf

Avalanche pack fill 

Regulator service
Price includes labor without required parts
$ 80.00/hr.
BC Service
Price includes labor without required parts
$ 40.00/hr.

Tank Valve Service
Price includes labor without required parts

$ 15.00/hr.
*Air cards valid for 12 months from date of purchase  

Rental Equipment


Air Tank $ 20.00/day
Nitrox Tank $ 25.00/day
Dry Suit  $ 100.00/day
SCUBA Kit (BC, Regulator, Tank, Weights, Wetsuit) $ 110.00/day
Wrist Computer $ 25.00/day
Wetsuit/Hood $ 25.00/day
Mask / Snorkel / Fins / Booties / Gloves (Personal Gear) Must Bring or Purchase at shop

Underwater Maintenance & Services


  • Mooring Maintenance

    Inspection, Installation and Removal

  • Vessel Maintenance

    Propeller, Running Gear, Hull Cleaning and Inspections

  • Salvage & Recovery

    Vessel and Personal Items

  • Inspection & Repairs

    Commercial Vessels, Docks, Moorings, Buoy Fields, Sea Walls and Marinas


CALL 775.884.3483 FOR MORE INFO
